Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How time changes -- Central Iowa Family Photographer

I met up with one of my oldest and best friends and her whole family for a photo session recently. I've know their family from way back when we were 7th grade girls entering the fun/scary years of junior high and high school. Since then we've been on trips together,had lots of sleep overs, created tons of fun memories, were college roommates and maid-of-honors, held each other baby showers, go on regular mom's nights out, etc. But I never imagined I would be photographing her family of two kids and her extended family with four kids total. It's funny to think back to junior high and high school and wonder what we thought our life would be like at the age of upper 20's and all the things we had gone through together both good and bad. I hands down never imagined this scene. When I was in 7th grade I didn't know I wanted to be a photographer and I bet she didn't imgine her life as a stay at home mom with a baby boy and baby girl.

So getting together with them got me thinking... as I approach 30 in the next year (ok, I'm not even 29 yet but 30 just seems way too close right now), is this where I thought my life would be when I was 30.... a married, working, mom/individual. And I think it is. I'm happy right now, content, liked where my path has taken me. The thing about the age 30 to me is that you are no longer in your 20's where you are suppose to be figuring out your life and where you are going. Now in your 30's, I feel like I'm suppose to know these things and being going there. I'm sure I won't feel this way once I'm 30+. But for now, it has me thinking... have I accomplished what I wanted to? What I thought I would? What about you?

So back on topic of my session with my dear friend, her parents and her bother's family. I love that they both had boys within a couple of months of each other and then they had baby girls within a couple of months of each other. How's that for some plans working out for the better? They all live in the same town and get to see each other often. It will be so fun for their kids to all grow up so close. As for my girls, my brother who lives in town needs to produce a cousin for them to play with and the other 5 cousins who live in two different states need to move back. My girls do have four cousins that live near so we are thankful for that. But two of the cousins that live out of state were born the exact same week as Addison. Therefore they are at the same stage in life and I know would have a ball growing up together.

Ok, now on with the sneak peek...

1 comment:

ModernDayMama said...

Great post, Debbie. I think your life is right on track and I'm so impressed with the way you changed it! Miss you!