Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My spring birthday babies

Spring is a special time in the Arringdale house...we have lots to celebrate. First up is Addison's birthday and she will be turning 4 this year. 4! I know, I say it every year, but she is getting so big and I can't believe she is going to be 4! I wonder at what age I'll stop saying this, if ever?

Then three weeks later our baby turns 2. And this means our deadline has arrived to cut her off of her binkie or as she calls it "her ni night." If any of you reading my blog have any tips on how to make this transition smoother for the first few days, give me a holler. I think it's going to be equally hard on us as it will be for Kensi. It's been so easy to pop her binkie in her mouth when she is fussy and asking for it over the past two years.

We also have our 6 year wedding anniversary, Chris' birthday and DKA Photography's official 2 year anniversary to celebrate. Lots of fun times.

And what fun would a post be without pictures? So I thought I would share a few from this past weekend of my spring birthday babies. The girls are having a flower-theme birthday party so we headed out with flowers to take photos celebrating turning 2 and 4.


Unknown said...

I love the pictures of my grand-girls. I still can't believe Addi will be 4 and Kensi 2. When will you ever stop wondering where the years have gone...NEVER! I still can't believe my baby girl will be 29 this year. That just can't be not to mention she has two sweet little girls. I love watching my daughter and son-in-law with the girls. They are wonderful parents. I'm so proud of them and how they are raising the my grand-girls.

Shannon said...

Very cute! I love their outfits. I showed the pictures to the kids and they didn't recognize Addi with her bangs. I think they are cute on her.