Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Newborn girl

Did you know we, humans, are only newborns for the first 28 days of our lives? Then we become infants. From having two newborns of my own, I know first hand how fast the first 28 days go and how fast they change. That's why with newborn photoshessions, it's best to take their photos within the first 2 weeks after birth...the sooner the better. Then you get to capture the stage when they are so fresh to our world.

Baby girl R is ten days old in her session here. She is so sweet and was such an easy baby.

This emotion here is something you can't fake for a photo. There is such a natural beauty that comes out when a girl becomes a mom. She's still feels like a little girl in many ways her self and will always be one to her parents. But now she is getting to experience all the wonderful and not so wonderful emotions of loving a child, her own child, with her whole heart. Bekah, you are such a beautiful mother. Congrats on your baby girl and this special time!

What baby doesn't look adorable embraced in her daddy's arms? Mike, I hope you enjoyed your first Father's Day of being a dad yourself.

And here are a few more of this cutie pie because I couldn't resist sharing.

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